(Video Not Available anymore.)
This shows a view from the sky, via a drone, of the roofers on the new house of the Life Remodeled “Detroit 2013” project.
Life Remodeled will build a new house from scratch, renovate 24 other houses, board up 250 vacant houses, and “beautify” 48 city blocks in the “New Center North” area of Detroit—all in 6 days! They expect over 5,000 volunteers to help from July 29-Aug 3, and then “reveal” the house on Sunday, August 4th, with a celebration of all the “partners,” volunteers, neighbors, and the family.
For more information about Life Remodeled, the previous 5 projects they successfully completed in the past 2 years, or to volunteer for this project, visit: http://LifeRemodeled.com