Replacement Windows East China MI

Replacement Windows East China MI

Replacement Windows East China MIIf you have an older home with windows that have never been replaced, it is very likely that you are losing heat in the winter and losing cool air in the summer as a result of air getting in and out through your windows. Given the temperature extremes in Michigan, your energy bill can be up to 25-30% higher as your HVAC has to work harder to keep the temperature in your home regulated. Replacement windows are an excellent way to improve overall energy efficiency in your home and save on your monthly power bills. Ram Residential Remodeling specializes in installing strong and affordable replacement windows in the East China, MI area.

Benefits of Replacement Windows

Ram Residential Remodeling was recently selected by leaders in the replacement window manufacturing industry to be an exclusive distributor and installer in Michigan. We offer free and honest estimates and can answer all of your questions about replacement windows for your home. We use high quality windows that feature the following:

  • Stronger: Generally 3 times stronger than windows that are glued or screwed together
  • More Energy Efficient: Dramatically improve energy efficiency in your home
  • Superior Durability – Durable structure that will not bend, break or “smile” like some other replacement windows
  • Easy to Use – Easy opening, closing, cleaning and little to no overall maintenance
  • Improved Security

Many local Michigan companies offer replacement window deals that are too good to be true and when it comes to the installation process, they simply fall short. Faulty installation can mean long term and costly problems with your new windows, which can be really disappointing.

When you partner with Ram Residential Remodeling of East China, MI, you can be confident that your windows will be installed correctly the first time and that you will always get a fair and competitive price.  With our replacement windows comes a lifetime warranty that even includes glass breakage as well as a 10 year warranty on all labor costs. Our team understands that replacement windows are a significant investment. We stand behind our work so that you can be confident in your investment.

Affordable Replacement Window Options in East China, MI

Ram Residential Remodeling has been serving the East China, MI area for more than thirty years. Roger McCauley is a licensed roofing contractor and the owner and operator of RAM Residential Remodeling. He personally oversees all projects and always offers the highest quality workmanship as well as affordable pricing. For more information about replacement windows, or for a free estimate, call 586-731-9830 to speak with a member of our team.